Medical ID Theft
When someone uses another person's personal identification (drivers license, medical card, social security card, etc.) to obtain unauthorized medical services or goods, this is medical identity theft. It could be a family member that doesn't have health insurance or it could be someone who has stolen the personal information or bought it (there are websites that sell this information to the highest bidder), using your identity to get drugs or perhaps have an operation. It could be a medical worker (nurse or office worker) who has access to your medical information. It could be a crooked doctor who bills for services not rendered, or a group that sets up a bogus clinic to obtain drugs or medical equipment in your name, to be sold on the black market later. What might be the impact of medical identity theft on you? Several things can happen, and all are bad: 1) Your lifetime medical benefits can be drained, and you may not know it. 2) You might find yourself ...