Are You Tired Of Hearing About Data Breaches?
With every year setting new records for data breaches (nearly 1,600 last year alone), I'm wondering if the public is becoming fatigued and numb to the news of another breach. Even the massive Equifax breach, which compromised very personal and critically non-changing information of at least half of the adult population, I've found people not knowing about it and even more not understanding what it means. That may change after people start filing their taxes, only to find that someone else has filed a false return ahead of them. Studies from social media activity are being reported, showing that people who have been notified of a data breach that affects them are simply ignoring the notice. They aren't changing passwords or enrolling in protection services, just hoping nothing happens. If their credit cards are compromised, they are inconvenienced, but they get a new card and never check to see if anything else is amiss. The winners are the thieves, because there is litt...